The Blog.
Unlocking Transformation: A Conversation with PSYCH-K® Instructor, Rosi
Rosi was recently featured on Mystic Mag. You can read the article here.
Adversity It seems to be that part of experiencing being human includes facing adversity at some point during life. The extent can vary and is unique in for each of us, depending on the other circumstances occurring in our life. Some challenges are more intense, and...
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect Life is an echo. What you send out comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others exists in you. Remember, life is an echo, it always gets back to you. So give goodness. Dr, Wayne Dyer Nature shows us by example the...
Free Your Mind
Free Your Mind - Playground vs Battleground I invite you to contemplate reality as you see it What is actually real and what is merely a representation of what you have been taught or programmed to believe? Let’s share some common beliefs and different ways of seeing,...
New Resolutions
New Resolutions Happy New Year It seems we start the new years with wonderful and positive intentions and as we stay focused we do start to see results. Then...life begins to busy up again and our focus is divided and placed on other everyday things also... as our...
Retrain Your Brain
Retrain Your Brain Have you ever wondered how to: Remove annoying habits? Think more positively? Stop the negative self-talk? Think more abundantly? Change destructive behaviours? What if it were your subconscious beliefs that are stopping you from achieving those...
Updating The Habitual Mindset
Updating the habitual mindset improves so many aspects of life; health, relationships, emotions, personality, and career. It really is a key to happiness, to inner peace. Updating the habitual mindset with PSYCH-K® is an easy, simple, powerful way to identify and...