Mentoring Calls

I offer mentoring calls to help you get the most out of our material.

General Zoom Calls

For anyone who has taken a PSYCH-K® Workshop

Q and A time, clarifications and general insights/sharings

Rosi hosts these 1-hour sessions. 

January: Wednesday 25th AEST 6.30pm-7.30pm
March: Sunday 5th AEST 6.30PM – 7.30PM
April: Saturday 22nd PERTH TIME 6PM-7PM
June: Sunday 18th AEST 5.30-6.30pm
August: Sunday 6th AEST 6-7pm
October: Sunday 8th AEST 6-7
December: Sunday 3rd AEST 6-7

Following Basic:

Online Practice sessions hosted by Rosi. Up to 20 Facilitators with a 20-minute pre brief, time for clarifications and questions.  Break out rooms for 1hr 1:1 practice with Rosi available for advice and clarity.

A 10 minute debrief session after the practice sessions.

Hone your facilitation with other facilitators, accelerate your personal growth, improve your self-muscle testing, and enjoy the vibe of progressing with others.

$30AUD per session. Numbers limited so book ahead. If you have done the workshop with another Instructor, please provide the Affirmation of Attendance.

January: Sunday 22nd AEST 5.30PM-7PM
March: Sunday 12th AEST 6pm-7.30pm
May: Friday 5th France time 5pm-6,30pm
July: Thursday 6th AEST 6-7.30pm
September: Friday 8th DENMARK TIME 5.30-7PM
October: Sunday 29th AEST 5.30-7pm
December: Thursday 14th AEST 6-7.30

Following Online Level 1:

Online practice sessions hosted by Rosi. Up to 20 participants with a 20-minute pre brief, time for clarifications and questions. Break out rooms for 1 hr 1:1 practice with Rosi available for advice and clarity.

A 10 minute debrief session after the practice sessions

Hone your facilitation with other facilitators, accelerate your personal growth, improve your self-muscle testing, and enjoy the vibe of progressing with others

$30AUD per session. Numbers are limited so book ahead.  If you have taken the workshop with another Instructor, please provide your Affirmation of Attendance.

February: Thursday 16th AEST 7am-8.30am
April: Sunday 2nd AEST 6.30PM -8PM
May: Saturday 27th GREECE time 6pm-7.30pm
July: Sunday 16th AEST 5.30-7pm
September: Saturday 16th Greece time 6-7.30pm
November: Sunday 5th AEST 6-7.30

Following Master Facilitation Workshop:

Online practice sessions hosted by Rosi. We will have a 20-minute q and a around marketing ideas, presentations, core connections, the messages protocol, and secondary gains.

Then a 1hr 1:1 practice session with Rosi available for questions and clarity.

We’ll close with a 10 minute debrief after the practice session.

Hone your facilitation with other facilitators, accelerate your personal growth, improve your self-muscle testing, and enjoy the vibe of progressing with others

$50AUD. Numbers limited. If you took the workshop with another Instructor, please provide the affirmation of attendance.

February: Sunday 26th AEST 5.30PM-7PM
April: Sunday 16th PERTH TIME 6-7.30PM
June: Friday 9th AEST 5.30-7PM
July: Sunday 19th AEST 6.15pm-7.45pm
September: Friday 21st France time 6-7.30pm
November: Sunday 26th PERTH TIME 6-7.30pm
