Private Sessions

I offer private zoom sessions that take up to an hour.

Private Sessions

Private sessions are a great way to address a situation that’s showing up in life that you are wanting to experience change with. Our subconscious beliefs create the perceptual filters through which we experience life. We create our reality through our actions and reactions, which are governed primarily by these beliefs and perceptions. It becomes so very helpful to be able to identify and transform what may be limiting us in becoming the best version of ourselves.

We can achieve a lot in a session. Although we are not “healing” a condition or even situation, by changing subconscious beliefs we can certainly re perceive in a way that can help us create significant change. PSYCH-K® is not a magic wand, even though it can seem that way on occasion. We still need to take action to actualise the new potential that we create via the rapid mindset change of PSYCH-K® During the session we explore both.

You are in the driver seat during a PSYCH-K® session. You’ll be facilitated with respect and integrity. We work together as a team to address your goals.

The sessions are $300AUD. Some people like to have regular sessions, and in some cases I offer packages for family groups who like to ensure they have a time slot once a month. I’m happy to chat about options via a discovery call if you’d like. I have enquiries about in person sessions, As I travel a lot giving the PSYCH-K® Workshops it’s unrealistic for me to offer this option. I do know many facilitators in areas that I teach, so am happy to give recommendations.

Looking forward to joining you on your journey whether a session, a call, or a workshop +61422084009
